Monday, October 1, 2012

My Birdfeeders - Sparrows, Starlings and a pesky Squirrel !

My Birdfeeders - Sparrows, Starlings and a pesky Squirrel ! Tube. Duration : 5.52 Mins.

This is a collection of footage of my birdfeeders in my garden. Filmed in late June 2007. I get lots of birds, mainly Sparrows, Starlings the odd Robin and a pesky Squirrel as you can see. The bird at 05:01 is a Sparrowhawk, the bird at 05:08 is a Wood Pigeon. Foodwise I put out peanuts, Sunflower hearts, wild bird seed and fat balls in a ball feeder. If you are not using a ball feeder then you need to remove the green nets as birds can get tangled in them. The Squirrel is a right pain as it quite often tries to knock the feeders onto the floor so it can eat the contents. I have even seen it do that and run off with a fat ball, the cheek of it !!! What wild birds do you get in your garden?


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