Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Suet Bird Feeder

Suet Bird Feeder Tube. Duration : 0.92 Mins.

I hung a suet feeder up over the summer and no birds seem to find it. Now that it's winter I am trying again and this video is the first time I have seen the little birds at the feeder. These little birds always travel in groups and once one of them found the feeder it was only a matter of a minute before the feeder had ten birds on it. They all ate for about a minute and then were all gone. Birds may consume a quarter to a third of their body weight of food each day. You may be wondering what suet is . . . suet is animal fat. Suet cakes for birds are suet mixed with different combinations of things birds like to eat such as seeds, grains, nuts, fruits, or insects and provides a source of energy to wild birds. Inexpensive and durable wire cages that can be hung from branches, tree trunks, or hooks hold the suet for clinging birds—that is, birds that use their feet to cling onto objects such as the trunk of a tree. Not all birds can cling to a hanging object. One common clinging bird is the woodpecker. Jays are a type of bird that does not cling. The best price I have found the suet feeder shown here and the Suet cakes are at Wal-Mart for about .25 each.


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