Saturday, September 29, 2012

SXU Prof. Chris Appelt discusses monk parakeets on WTTW

SXU Prof. Chris Appelt discusses monk parakeets on WTTW Tube. Duration : 7.42 Mins.

Chicago (Oct. 25, 2006) Saint Xavier University assistant professor Christopher Appelt, Ph.D., is looking for volunteers to help him study the impact of monk parakeets on native bird species in the Chicago area. Monk parakeets in Chicago have been shown to rely almost exclusively on bird feeders during the winter months. Since other bird species use feeders, too, I want to determine whether they are affected by the presence of monk parakeets, said Appelt, a professor of biology and animal behavior. To do this, I need volunteers who can collect data on the types of birds using feeders in areas both with and without monk parakeets. That way Ill have information for both control and experimental areas to make a comparison. Appelt is seeking volunteers who can spend some time each week from November through March collecting information about the species using their feeders. If volunteers have monk parakeets at their feeders, Appelt wants them to observe interactions between monk parakeets and other birds. Despite their rapid expansion in the Chicagoland area and other locations in the United States and the rest of the world, no one has ever examined whether monk parakeets have a significant impact on other avian species in the areas they colonize, Appelt said. Also known as Quaker parakeets, monk parakeets were first spotted in Blue Island in 1968. Native to South America, they have bright green plumage with grey bellies and a loud screeching chirp. They were a favorite of ...


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