Sunday, September 30, 2012

Some Wolverhampton birds

Some Wolverhampton birds Video Clips. Duration : 8.45 Mins.

Garden birds at feeders, and glimpses of other wildlife

CLASSIC - Very First Squirrel at the Feeder! [Backyard Bag Feeder Project]

CLASSIC - Very First Squirrel at the Feeder! [Backyard Bag Feeder Project] Video Clips. Duration : 22.25 Mins.

The second day of my project!! Actually, this day can easily be considered as the birth of the project. Without this day, the project as it is today might not even exist. It was this day, with the (simple yet expansive) technological advantages I'd discovered and actual attention paid to the project by the animals that came that made the project more than just a one lazy-day video experiment... © 1998 Zach Glenwright

Nyjer Battles @ 300fps SlowMo Compilation

Nyjer Battles @ 300fps SlowMo Compilation Video Clips. Duration : 3.45 Mins.

Goldfinches defend the niger seed feeder! Compilation of slow motion Goldfinch clips including a visiting Sparrow and Blue Tit, taken in Reading, UK. Nyjer, niger and thistle are all names used to identify the tiny, black birdseed cultivated in Asia and Africa that is high in calories and oil content, loved by finches and other wild birds. The Goldfinch is a highly coloured finch with a bright red face and yellow wing patch. Sociable, often breeding in loose colonies, they have a delightful liquid twittering song and call. Their long fine beaks allow them to extract otherwise inaccessible seeds from thistles and teasels. Increasingly they are visiting birdtables and feeders. In winter many UK goldfinches migrate as far south as Spain. Sparrows are noisy and gregarious, these cheerful exploiters of man's rubbish and wastefulness, have managed to colonise most of the world. The ultimate avian opportunist perhaps. Monitoring suggests a severe decline in the UK house sparrow population, recently estimated as dropping by 71 per cent between 1977 and 2008 with substantial declines in both rural and urban populations. Whilst the decline in England continues, Breeding Bird Survey data indicate recent population increases in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The Blue Tit is a colourful mix of blue, yellow, white and green makes the blue tit one of our most attractive and most recognisable garden visitors. In winter, family flocks join up with other tits as they search for food ...

Wild Turkey Spring

Wild Turkey Spring Tube. Duration : 5.88 Mins.

Pictures of wild turkeys in full courtship. A beautiful, athletic female had moved in to own the bird feeders and pond. She attracted at first two young turks but when Big Boy arrived it was love at first sight!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

SXU Prof. Chris Appelt discusses monk parakeets on WTTW

SXU Prof. Chris Appelt discusses monk parakeets on WTTW Tube. Duration : 7.42 Mins.

Chicago (Oct. 25, 2006) Saint Xavier University assistant professor Christopher Appelt, Ph.D., is looking for volunteers to help him study the impact of monk parakeets on native bird species in the Chicago area. Monk parakeets in Chicago have been shown to rely almost exclusively on bird feeders during the winter months. Since other bird species use feeders, too, I want to determine whether they are affected by the presence of monk parakeets, said Appelt, a professor of biology and animal behavior. To do this, I need volunteers who can collect data on the types of birds using feeders in areas both with and without monk parakeets. That way Ill have information for both control and experimental areas to make a comparison. Appelt is seeking volunteers who can spend some time each week from November through March collecting information about the species using their feeders. If volunteers have monk parakeets at their feeders, Appelt wants them to observe interactions between monk parakeets and other birds. Despite their rapid expansion in the Chicagoland area and other locations in the United States and the rest of the world, no one has ever examined whether monk parakeets have a significant impact on other avian species in the areas they colonize, Appelt said. Also known as Quaker parakeets, monk parakeets were first spotted in Blue Island in 1968. Native to South America, they have bright green plumage with grey bellies and a loud screeching chirp. They were a favorite of ...

Wild Birds Unlimited - EcoTough™ Classic Feeder

Wild Birds Unlimited - EcoTough™ Classic Feeder Video Clips. Duration : 3.08 Mins.


WILD TURKEYS AT MY FLOCK BLOCK Tube. Duration : 14.93 Mins.

This flock of young wild turkeys is led by Little Tom, a young male that was put out of his father's flock last year. He moped around on his own for several months until he found his mate and they now have their 6 offspring, which were hatched in the spring of this year. They have come to eat from the "flock block" or what's left of it. It was down to the bottom and then the rain came yesterday and melted it onto the ground. There's still plenty to eat there and I bought a new one today to put out in the morning.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Wild Turkeys

Wild Turkeys Video Clips. Duration : 2.37 Mins.

My birdfeeder at my mom and dad's place has recently caught the interest of wild turkeys!

Hummingbird At Feeder

Hummingbird At Feeder Tube. Duration : 0.40 Mins.

Ruby-throated Hummingbird visiting a feeder

Brome Squirrel Buster Peanut Plus Squirrel Proof Feeder.flv

Brome Squirrel Buster Peanut Plus Squirrel Proof Feeder.flv Video Clips. Duration : 5.02 Mins.

Brome Squirrel Buster Peanut Plus Squirrel Proof Bird Feeder

HDV_Birds at Feeder

HDV_Birds at Feeder Video Clips. Duration : 13.00 Mins.

Wild birds at feeder Jan. 2012 Ohio, USA. White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis), Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor), Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemais), Red-bellied Woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus), Downy Woodpecker (Picoides pubescens), American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis),

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wild turkeys aren't dumb

Wild turkeys aren't dumb Video Clips. Duration : 1.93 Mins.

They educate their own. It's just that some need a tad more instruction....

Wild Birds Unlimited - Seed Cylinder Feeders

Wild Birds Unlimited - Seed Cylinder Feeders Tube. Duration : 2.60 Mins.

Java Finch Soul Mate ~ Wild Birds in Love !!

Java Finch Soul Mate ~ Wild Birds in Love !! Video Clips. Duration : 0.67 Mins.

Feng Shui Artwork for Health, Wealth & Prosperity ~ Promote Good Health, Success, Wealth, Love, Happiness with Feng Shui Artwork ~

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Garden Bird Feeder

Garden Bird Feeder Tube. Duration : 0.95 Mins.

We areBuying & Sourcing Agents. Helping Global Retailers, Wholesalers & Premium Home improvement brands to source directly from Indian factories. We provide end to end solutions, Customized as per your sourcing needs. -Product Sourcing & Development -Vendor Evaluation -Merchandising -Quality Control -Shipping Co-ordination Rashi Buying Services India Garden bird feeder, window bird feeder, wild birds feeder, finch bird feeder, Hopper tube feeders, Platform thistle, Ground suet peanut feeders, humming bird Oriole feeders

Hummingbird drinking from a bird feeder multiple times.

Hummingbird drinking from a bird feeder multiple times. Tube. Duration : 0.13 Mins.

A hummingbird flying up to a bird feeder, and drinking from it multiple times then flying away. Purchase this clip here: ( To hire the photographer of this stock video to shoot for you, contact us 9-6MST by calling: 1-801-407-4075 or for more information, go to: (

PLUS - Perch Adjustment

PLUS - Perch Adjustment Tube. Duration : 0.80 Mins.

How to adjust the perch length on the Squirrel Buster Plus wild bird feeder

The Morning Dove Zenaida Macroura 0001

The Morning Dove Zenaida Macroura 0001 Video Clips. Duration : 5.78 Mins.

Video of a Morning Dove roaming around my bird feeder, on 4-1-09.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Birds of Britain UK ~ Greater Spotted Woodpecker ~ wildlife videos by simbirdcom

Birds of Britain UK ~ Greater Spotted Woodpecker ~ wildlife videos by simbirdcom Tube. Duration : 1.02 Mins.

Greater Spotted Woodpecker ~ Dendrocopos major visited my garden bird feeder today... and enjoyed some nuts :-)Please subscribe to me * Simbirdcom * Bird Bee Butterfly wildlife UK videos ~ Simon ~:-) ~ My bird website is at google * simbird * Bird photographs, videos, twitter, information, links, RSPB, BBCT, help & tips... Description birds bees butterflies & wildlife videoS & songs British Animals Insects & wildlife using canon s5 sx1 + telephoto zoom lens or webcam My * Birdcam * of wild birds in the garden with ~ sounds calls singing birdsong Wild animals & Nature in video and song ~ simbirdcom More vids photos info at * simbird * or by Simon Knott Cameras used Canon SX1 IS Powershot HD High Definition or Canon S5 IS HQ High Quality Wyre Forest ~ Kidderminster Worcestershire England UK Europe World Planet Earth Universe :-)

American Goldfinch in HD

American Goldfinch in HD Tube. Duration : 2.38 Mins.

Here are a few clips I put together of the American Goldfinch Birds that visit my feeders. They are fun to watch and have an interesting way to feed, upside down if you have the right feeder. You can get many feeding at once and these types of feeders don't attract other birds much either. I have seen a Sparrow and Black Capped Chickadee trying to feed out of these and the Chickadee was the only one that actually hung upside down briefly to get any seed. It is rarely that you see any other type of bird other than the Goldfinch at these feeders. I buy the Pennington Thistle seed for them and they love it... Here is some information on the Goldfinch I found online at Wikipedia, much more at the link below. The American Goldfinch (Carduelis tristis), also known as the Eastern Goldfinch and Wild Canary, is a North American bird in the finch family. It is migratory, ranging from southern Canada to North Carolina during the breeding season, and from just south of the Canadian border to Mexico during the winter. The only finch in its subfamily which undergoes a complete molt, the American Goldfinch displays sexual dimorphism in its coloration; the male is a vibrant yellow in the summer and an olive color during the winter months, while the female is a dull yellow-brown shade which brightens only slightly during the summer. The male displays brightly colored plumage during the breeding season to attract a mate. The American Goldfinch is a granivore and adapted ...

Squirrel Love and The Bird Feeder

Squirrel Love and The Bird Feeder Video Clips. Duration : 2.73 Mins. Meet our new squirrel friend who's name is Monkey. Monkey is very friendly and loves to eat out of our bird feeder. Monkey is never scared of us and walks around our patio unafraid of us and is a member of the family.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Wild Bird Madness at the SUPER FEEDER ONLY on HawgNSonsTV!

Wild Bird Madness at the SUPER FEEDER ONLY on HawgNSonsTV! Video Clips. Duration : 3.18 Mins.

January 7 2009. I was sitting around the house and thought I would give you JUST a glimpse of the Wildlife the SUPER FEEDER (patent pending) brings in. It seems like a lot of the different birds have left for the winter but on this occasion I seen Black-Capped Chickadee(Parus Atricapillus) White-Breasted Nuthatch(Sitta Carolinensis) Tree Sparrow(Spizella Arborea) and Downy Woodpecker(Picoides Pubescens)......ONLY on HawgNSonsTV.Com

Baby Tree Squirrel (Wild)

Baby Tree Squirrel (Wild) Tube. Duration : 1.07 Mins.

Squirrels belong to a large family of small or medium-sized rodents called the Sciuridae. The family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots (including woodchucks), flying squirrels, and prairie dogs. Squirrels are indigenous to the Americas, Eurasia, and Africa and have been introduced to Australia. Squirrels are first attested in the Eocene, about forty million years ago, and are most closely related to the mountain beaver and to the dormice among living species. Tree squirrels include over a hundred species that are found on all continents except Antarctica, and are the members of the squirrel family (Sciuridae) most commonly referred to as "squirrels". They do not form a single natural, or monophyletic, group, but instead are related to the various other animals in the squirrel family, including ground squirrels, flying squirrels, marmots, and chipmunks. The defining characteristic that is used to determine which of the various species of Sciuridae are tree squirrels is therefore not so dependent on their physiology, but their habitat. Tree squirrels live mostly among trees, as opposed to other squirrels that live in burrows in the ground or among rocks. However, there is one exception to this rule, as physiological distinction does make a difference in regard to flying squirrels, who also make their home in trees, but have unique physical characteristics that separate them from their tree squirrel cousins (specifically, special flaps of skin ...

Squirrelduckin Part 1 - Wild duck on the menu!

Squirrelduckin Part 1 - Wild duck on the menu! Tube. Duration : 5.05 Mins.

My bird feeder and calm front yard have attracted a pair of ducks who have been coming around for about a week now. This is highly irregular for my area as there are no ponds or such nearby, just concrete in every direction. I am feeding them seed mix, bread and water. They really seem to like the water. They can both fly and just must be living around the neighborhood for now. Nibbler makes a cameo as he shows interest in the ducks.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Common Grackle

The Common Grackle Video Clips. Duration : 5.15 Mins.

I was awaken by the sound of this flock of birds a couple of mornings and decided to learn what breed they were and why they seemed confused arriving on my lawn a couple of times each day. I was impressed with their radiant color and ongoing stream they made in the sky. I am learning how to use the video on my camera so I apologize for the out of focus shots but felt they needed to be in the video to show the magnitude of the amount of these birds in the flock. It was amazing to watch them in flight to say the least. I hope you enjoy seeing it as much as I enjoyed getting to witness such beauty in the sky. I did not create nor take credit for the song used in this video

How to pet a wild Hummingbird

How to pet a wild Hummingbird Tube. Duration : 0.47 Mins.

A rare treat to get to actually pet a hummingbird. This little guy flew into my house and couldn't find his way back out. We had to wait until he was completely out of energy before we could capture him and set him free. I took him outside to the feeder so he could recharge. After a few minutes and a few drinks he flew away.

tutorial (watch) how to make a bird feeder / come fare una mangiatoia per uccelli

tutorial (watch) how to make a bird feeder / come fare una mangiatoia per uccelli Tube. Duration : 2.63 Mins.

(you can watch but, do you want and english version and description?ask and I'll make it soon) è stata una cosa che ho improvvisato e inventato, è una specie di mangiatoia? posatoio? comunque..ho asciugato le bottiglie perchè il nasto aderisse bene, e come nasto ho usato quello per i cartoni perchè fuori è impermiabile, per i bastoncini potete usare le bacchette cinesi se non trovate dei rametti, o anche infilarci un cucchiaio di legno che tanto poi potrete recuperare! ho fatto buchi per il bastoncino che passa da un lato all'altro per restare ben fisso e altri buchini per far passare il fil di ferro o una cordicella per fissare il tutto sui rami di un albero, ho messo il nastro lungo tutto il bordo ritagliato della bottiglia perchè tagliente e non vorrei che si facessero male, volendo si può fare un rigonfiamento con del cotone o del giornale in modo che perfino sul bordo si possano aggrappare con le zampette ovviamente mettere il nastro stando bene attenti a che la parte adesiva non sia rivolta all'esterno, all'interno non c'è problema perchè il mangime dì per sè ha una polverina che va ad appiccicarsi a quel poco di adesivo che è esposto e lo rende innocuo, il mangime è apposta per uccelli fruttivori e insettivori, magari mi procurerò anche quello per granivori dato che qui ce ne sono, magari qui non c'è neve, ma la terra è fredda e dura, e non trovano cibo comunque, ho sparso un pò di riso per dellle tortorelle orientali dal collare, tanto nel prato del parco lo ...

Autumn Grass & Sun - Part 3 of 3

Autumn Grass & Sun - Part 3 of 3 Video Clips. Duration : 1.73 Mins.

The three Caiques, Chloe and Rafa (apricot-head WBC's) and Gerry (black-head BHC), enjoy some of the last of the season's warm afternoons in the backyard before the winter arrives. In this final portion 3 of 3, we have Rafa on the sidewalk, and all three climbing the wild bird feeder stand. They don't seem to understand that they are too heavy for our "Eliminator" bird feeder, which is designed to shut the feeding holes when larger birds land on the perch, saving the food for little finches and sparrows. (Note: this yard is fully fenced with 6-foot bamboo over chainlink, has good tree cover, and is a controlled and safe environment. We don't even fertilize the grass to ensure a safe environment for them, and their wings are clipped. We also do not take them out if it is windy, lest they catch a gust and manage to get blown over the fence. They are NEVER outside unattended, and are always kept within an arm's reach of either my husband or myself. Please, never take your parrots outside unless they are 100% safe in every way!)

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Everybody Enjoys a Good (Bird)Bath

Everybody Enjoys a Good (Bird)Bath Tube. Duration : 1.50 Mins.

We have many birdbaths in stock for this spring. Gregory showcases several in this video.

BirdSafe Eco Friendly Disposable Bird Feeders

BirdSafe Eco Friendly Disposable Bird Feeders Tube. Duration : 0.98 Mins.

Vistis us at The BirdSafe Wild Bird Feeder is the SAFEST and SMARTEST Way to Feed Wild Birds. Our eco-friendly bird feeder is made of 100% biodegradable components and is sold unassembled to minimize packaging and use less energy to ship. The easy-to-assemble feeder is designed for just one use, so when the seed is gone just toss it in the recycle or compost bin to minimize waste. Put together a fresh, clean feeder and you're ready to go without any messy cleanup!

How To Attract Birds to Your Backyard Podcast

How To Attract Birds to Your Backyard Podcast Tube. Duration : 10.52 Mins.

In this Perky Pet podcast, Chip Clouse, Director of Conservation, Education and Outreach for the American Birding Association will take you through four steps to attract birds to your backyard. He is a trained science teacher and environmental educator, who has worked with the critically endangered Grenada Dove and studied the effects of wildfire and prescribed fire on birds. You'll learn: - How to attract bird with water - Understanding the different types of food and feeders - The importance of cover - Thinking beyond the birdhouse for places to raise young For more information on bird yeard bird feeding visit:

Friday, September 21, 2012

How To Attract Birds Video Series Introduction

How To Attract Birds Video Series Introduction Tube. Duration : 1.15 Mins.

An Introduction on How to Attract Birds to Your Yard. Feeding wild birds is the second most popular hobby in the United States today -- second only to gardening. It is estimated that over 57 Million people feeder birds in the US - and we've been feeding them for over 150 years! It is believed that feeding wild birds started in the winter to help supplement a scarce food supply. It has quickly become a year round hobby as people experience the joy and wonderment of experiencing wildlife up close and personal. It's an easy hobby to start as long as you keep in mind that wild birds need four basic things -- food, shelter, water and a place to safely raise their young.

Blue jay feeding upside down

Blue jay feeding upside down Tube. Duration : 0.38 Mins.

Blue jay feeding from upside down suet feeder

The Feeding Frenzy

The Feeding Frenzy Video Clips. Duration : 1.78 Mins.

I looked out this afternoon at the bird feeders in my back yard and saw about a hundred birds enjoying a nice meal. Most of them appear to be sparrows - a common bird in Michigan. They seemed to be enjoying their free lunch while they fluttered about and doing a lot of chirping. I grabbed my camera and made this short two minute video.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Squirrel Buster Peanut+ by Brome Bird Care with Red-bellied Woodpecker in our yard near London, On

Squirrel Buster Peanut+ by Brome Bird Care with Red-bellied Woodpecker in our yard near London, On Video Clips. Duration : 0.25 Mins.

Red-bellied Woodpecker enjoying peanuts from Brome Bird Care's Squirrel Buster Peanut + squirrel proof birdfeeder. Video by & feeder available at Hyde Park Feed & Country Store London, Ontario

Krenzer the "K Man" bird feeder documentary "bird brain"

Krenzer the "K Man" bird feeder documentary "bird brain" Tube. Duration : 4.07 Mins.

My old man has way too much time on his hands

The Wildlife World LHF Lighthouse Feeder Product in Use Video

The Wildlife World LHF Lighthouse Feeder Product in Use Video Tube. Duration : 0.95 Mins.

An eye-catching and charming Diamond Feeder for peanuts which also raises funds for the RNLI The LHF Lighthouse Feeder takes it references from Portland Bill Lighthouse and has been launched as an attractive feeder that also raises valuable funds for the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. Wildlife World make a 25p charity donation to the RNLI for every feeder sold. The bold red and white feeder features a plexiglass 'lantern' zone with a clip-on roof for easy filling and weather protection. It comes with a wide integral tray which prevents waste and provides a landing platform, and internally a domed base provides drainage. Externally the underside of the tray has a base collar for pole fitting. The hanging chain can also be looped and hooked into itself to prevent squirrels lifting the lid. The LHF features diamond expanded metal mesh - Wildlife World were the first manufacturer in the world to use this material for making a strong squirrel resilient feeder with excellent feeding characteristics. Siting: Hang from a convenient, visible and accessible location Features: Extra strong. Attractive and unique, integral wide tray. Charity donation for each product sold.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mice on a bird feeder

Mice on a bird feeder Tube. Duration : 2.02 Mins.

We spotted these mice on the bird nuts at dusk


Sparrows-Fighting-at-the-Feeder.mpg Tube. Duration : 2.05 Mins.

This is video of Sparrow's fighting over the food at my bird feeder. Normally these little birds eat together in peace, but for some reason this day, they didn't want to share the food.

Black Bear in Murrysville, PA

Black Bear in Murrysville, PA Video Clips. Duration : 3.22 Mins.

Murrysville , PA -- Capturing a video clip of a large black bear was about the last thing Bill Powers expected to see when checking one of his wildlife video systems this morning near a residential area in Murrysville, but that's exactly what happened. Powers, founder of PixController, Inc., was testing one of their new motion-activated wildlife video system products, the DVREye; which captured about five minutes of this impressive black bear. The bear is estimated to weigh around 300 pounds. This is not the first time Powers has recorded a black bear in Murrysville on one of his wildlife systems. Back in May of 2004 he captured a video clip of a black bear feeding from a bird feeder in a relative's yard. Powers uses the woods of Murrysville for the testing of all of PixController's new trail camera products. email

Wild turkey and rabbit

Wild turkey and rabbit Tube. Duration : 0.77 Mins.

Morning at the bird feeder, few birds, perhaps a few red-winged blackbirds. Yesterday a hawk was chasing the blue jays!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Red Squirrel on Bird Feeder

Red Squirrel on Bird Feeder Tube. Duration : 1.47 Mins.

The red squirrel on the bird feeder was sighted at The Aigas Field Centre, Nr Beauly in Scotland

World Famous Better Birdhouse at Bills bird feeders

World Famous Better Birdhouse at Bills bird feeders Tube. Duration : 2.43 Mins.

More birdhouses and spring items from Bill's Bird Feeders. 20 years.Thanks for watching, Bill


BIRD FEEDER & BLIND HOUSE / BIRD WATCH COASTAL GA (Wild Birds Unlimited Feeder) Tube. Duration : 7.63 Mins.

Wee have plan to build in Savannah Ga Lake Mayer Bird Garden . Check this basic plan to inspiration . Thank you! BIRD WATCH SAVANNAH BY DJ SANDDOORS Sandoors Short Films The video made in location south east or (Costal Georgia) Crooked River State Park near St. Mary's. The nice busy bird feeder/wildlife watching point, that the park rangers and visitors keep up with donate food or $ . The feeder take $ 200 / month . Playlist on this video_Red-bellied Woodpecker Red -winged Blackbird Tufted Titmouse Northern Cardinal Blue Jay Painted Bunting Carolina Chickadee Brown Trasher and more You will see more small alligator ,rabbit and young feral hog.

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