Saturday, November 3, 2012

Mourning Dove Chick [Backyard Bag Feeder Project]

Mourning Dove Chick [Backyard Bag Feeder Project] Tube. Duration : 1.23 Mins.

Mourning Dove chick out on patrol. This is the first time that I've ever actually seen a Dove chick, let alone tape one! © 1998-2006 Zach Glenwright

Birds at the Feeder 2-6-12.mpg

Birds at the Feeder 2-6-12.mpg Video Clips. Duration : 2.77 Mins.

Video of Birds feeding at my bird feeder on 2-6-12. I produced this video, and own the rights to all of its content.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Feeeeeding Frenzzzzzy Little Silver-Eyes New Zealand

Feeeeeding Frenzzzzzy Little Silver-Eyes New Zealand Tube. Duration : 1.78 Mins.

Bird feeders (Suet rolls) are a wonderful way to observe the little comical Silver-eyes/Wax-eyes in your garden and it also helps them get through the winter months...Our garden is full of these little birds and the feeding frenzy begins at dawn and ends at sunset...Now that spring is in the air our garden will become they head off to breed in the New Zealand bush

wild song birds december

wild song birds december Tube. Duration : 9.67 Mins.

wild song birds at our bird feeder in our backyard okeechobee florida december 2010

Purple Squirrel

Purple Squirrel Video Clips. Duration : 0.33 Mins.

purple squirrel Under normal circumstances, if you want to see an exotic animal with brilliantly colored fur or feathers, you would have to go to the closest zoo. Not if you're Pennsylvania residents Connie and Percy Emert. The couple found a purple squirrel in their yard. The Emerts live in Jersey Shore and have bird feeders in their yard. In an interview with, Connie Emert said the squirrels are always getting into their bird feeders, and in an effort to keep the squirrels away, she and her husband will trap them and then release them into the wild away from their home. So how does a squirrel become purple? Connie Emert says people think they dyed the squirrel, but they insist that they "found it and it was purple." There is no definite cause for this particular squirrel's color, but scientist and some locals have their theories. One zoologist suggested that the creature may have fallen into a Porta-Potty, and some worried that the squirrel's tint could prove dangerous to humans. One professor says the purple tint could be from the squirrel drinking bromide-laced water from fracking in the area. Hydraulic fracking, which is common throughout Pennsylvania, is a controversial procedure of drilling for gas that environmentalists oppose because it can lead to ground water contamination from highly toxic radioactive wastewater. However it got its color, the purple squirrel has become an Internet celebrity with its own Twitter and Facebook accounts. One person ...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Wild Moments: Creative Birdfeeders Lead To Great Entertainment

Wild Moments: Creative Birdfeeders Lead To Great Entertainment Video Clips. Duration : 2.13 Mins.

Looking for some cheap fun? With a little creativity, you can make your backyard a squirrel's olympic playground.

Common Grackles.mpg

Common Grackles.mpg Video Clips. Duration : 3.87 Mins.

Video clips of Grackles, at my bird feeder in Griffin Georgia, March 2011.

Wild Bird Store/ Hummingbird Feeders, Flowers and Nectar

Wild Bird Store/ Hummingbird Feeders, Flowers and Nectar Tube. Duration : 7.50 Mins.

Jon Friedman, owner of The Wild Bird Store in Tucson Arizona, discusses the importance of hummingbird feeders versus the planting of nectar producing flowers. Flowers will, indeed, attract the hummers but feeders are a more reliable source of nectar.

Automatic Chicken Feeder

Automatic Chicken Feeder Video Clips. Duration : 0.27 Mins.

Chicken activated automatic feeder! Learn more at

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